Chairman’s Annual Report Message

In 2021, EMCC served more counselling clients, provided training to more professionals, and delivered more workshops to students. EMCC Chairman Dr. Kenny Tan sums up the year in his message in the Annual Report for FY21.

EMCC’s Annual Report covers the organisation’s financial year spanning 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021.

Here are excerpts from the Chairman’s Message summarising the year:

“[2021] was the second year that the whole of Singapore was dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic which placed constraints on all aspects of the organisation. With the help of the Jobs Support Scheme (JSS) we were able to retain all our staff and operate our Centre services and programmes in a hybrid of on-site and online platforms. This also being Executive Director Dr Jeannie Chiu’s third and final year at the helm of EMCC, Joachim Lee was appointed Deputy Executive Director as part of succession planning efforts.

These last two years were hampered not just by the pandemic but also the unconducive temporary premises out of which the centre had to operate. EMCC was able to eventually move into a quieter and more favourable environment in the National Library Building in October 2021.

… Against the odds, 2021 was a strong year for EMCC. The centre served more counselling clients, provided training to more professionals, delivered more workshops to students, and raised more donations.

… Overall, government and government-related funding accounted for almost 60% of our income for the year. These financial resources which not only saw us through 2021, will also help to sustain EMCC in 2022 as the pandemic-related grants are phased out.

On behalf of my fellow Board members, I would like to express our deep appreciation to the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF), National Council of Social Service (NCSS), Tote Board and the President’s Challenge for all the financial support and moral encouragement they have so generously shown to our small charity not just in 2021, but over the years.

We look forward to continuing in our mission to help empower emotionally and psychologically resilient individuals, foster strong and healthy families, and serve the Singapore community.”

Associate Professor (Dr) Kenny Tan, JP
Chairman, Board of Directors
Eagles Mediation & Counselling Centre Ltd

To see the full Annual Report and Financial Statement, please click here.

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