
Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM)
EMCC’s AGM was held on Wednesday, 19 June, at EMCC’s office.

Dr Kenny Tan is not only EMCC’s Board Chairman, but also an avid poet, amongst many other things. Below are some of the poems that he has penned, which EMCC has made into postcards. These postcards have touched many at our recent outreach events such as EMCC’s Giving Market on 2-3 Dec and the Global Young Leader’s Summit’23 on 19 Dec.

Read more about Dr Kenny Tan’s thoughts on mental health here Poems penned by Dr Kenny Tan

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Counselling is the process of helping individuals, couples, and families work through challenging issues, find ways to cope better with struggles, and bring about positive changes.

Counselling can be useful for individuals and couples who are facing challenges in their lives such as stress and relationship difficulties. Working with a counsellor could help clarify issues, overcome mental obstacles, discover hidden goals and desires, and perhaps establish clarity about life choices and plans for the future.

Counselling could also help families work through their relationship difficulties where reconciliation is possible, or help them cope with the emotions involved if they eventually decide to go their separate ways.

Training & Education


Marriage Journey

A solid marriage that is loving and fulfilling requires constant hard work, love, and attention. Many couples go through marriage on their own, struggling with challenges along the way. But you don’t have to. Through our Marriage Journey programmes we journey with couples from pre-marriage, post-wedding and through parenthood to help them build strong and healthy marriage foundations on which to grow their families.


Mediation is an assisted negotiation process. The mediator, a neutral third party, facilitates discussions between parties to help them uncover their true interests and needs from their declared positions. The mediator uses these interests to help them derive mutually acceptable decisions. Mediators neither judge nor impose decisions.

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