Struggling to find a job?

Join us at the EMCC-Barclays LifeSkills Event to upskill and find employment!

We know that unemployment can bring with it several challenges that can affect you and your loved ones on emotional, financial, and social levels. EMCC has therefore partnered with Barclays to tailor a comprehensive mental wellness programme for job seekers.

We have had two runs of the EMCC-Barclays LifeSkills Programme where we supported 102 unemployed individuals through engaging peer support groups, one-to-one counselling sessions, skills training, and job coaching.

Before we commence our third run of the programme this September, we have organised a relevant event for you. Join us on 6 August 2024 for the EMCC-Barclays LifeSkills Event to gain upskilling insights from experts and connect with employment agencies.

Event Highlights:

  • Hear from experts about “Unlocking Opportunities Through Personal Branding”.
  • Have your questions answered by our panelists from Workforce Singapore, Generation Singapore, EMCC, and HR professionals.
  • Network and visit partner booth displays.

EMCC-Barclays LifeSkills Programme

  • Date: 6 August 2024
  • Time: 6 – 10pm
  • Venue: The Pod @ National Library Building (100 Victoria St, Level 16, Singapore 188064)
  • Be the first 30 people to sign up and receive a $15 Grab e-voucher!

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