Struggling With Unemployment?

Have you been struggling with unemployment? Has this negatively affected your mental health?

Unemployment can bring with it several challenges that affect individuals and families on emotional, financial, and social levels. The uncertainty of finding a new job can lead to increased stress and anxiety. Unemployment can impact self-esteem, especially when societal expectations tie personal worth to employment status. Financial strain and emotional stress can strain relationships with family and friends. 

At EMCC, we understand that life sometimes throws curve balls, and it can unfortunately impact us psychologically. Hence, we have curated a complimentary emotional wellness programme to support those walking this path of unemployment. 

EMCC – Barclay’s LifeSkills Programme 

This comprehensive mental wellness programme was specially tailored for the unemployed. Through engaging peer support groups, one-to-one counselling sessions, skills training, and job coaching, we aim to empower participants with the tools they need to navigate the challenges and uncertainties during the period of unemployment. Join us on this journey to improved mental wellness and resilience.

Programme Objectives

  1.  Address the emotional and mental health challenges associated with unemployment by offering counselling and support services.
  2.  Enhance the employability of participants by providing relevant skills training and facilitating engagement with job coaches.
  3.  Facilitate networking opportunities for participants to connect with fellow participants, and industry professionals through peer support groups and networking sessions.

Programme Components

The programme will consist of 3 major components for each participant.

  1. A Counselling component which would either be one-to-one counselling sessions or through peer support groups.
  2. A Life Skills Training component which will consist of talks by speakers around the area of mental health or skills necessary to navigate the job search period.
  3. A Job Coaching component wherein the participant will be partnered with a job coach who will meet you periodically, to discuss personal goals, overcome personal barriers, and identify employment opportunities. Participants will be asked to complete an additional registration with Workforce Singapore (WSG) or Generation Singapore for this component.

Sign Up Now

EMCC has partnered with Barclays to offer this programme to you free of charge. If you feel like this programme would help you, sign up here.

For any enquiries, do reach out to

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